Be there or be reviled!!!!!!!!
Gary V can make it, I will of course be there, and any one with the stones to face the Fearsome 'Eroes Uv Da Revolooshun Grot Horde (newly improved with a Big Lugga witha Splattapult!!) is welcome to give it a try!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
A Call For Action
OK guys, the campaign has ground to stand-still because a couple of guys (you know who you are)_ haven't been able to make it for games. We really need to get a good date where you guys can both be here and we can get everything evened-up so that I can close out the campaign and award the trophy to the victor.
Let's get this going!!
On another tack I have been working on another scenario; "Da Gazwerks Raid", I hope to get that published fairly soon.
Let's get this going!!
On another tack I have been working on another scenario; "Da Gazwerks Raid", I hope to get that published fairly soon.
Friday, August 3, 2012
In Da Name Uv Krom!
Monday, July 30, 2012
Projekt Badass II vs Digga Deepa (The mob formerly known as "Free XP Weekend")
This last weekend we had a handful of games in a effort to get our digga player caught up in the campaign. He was coming fresh off a pretty clean win against the scorcha boyz while I had just lost to the same mob. I had the lower mob rating (though only just) so the scenario was We Wuz 'Ere first. I won the deployment roll and ceded the first turn to the diggas, who used tentatively inched forward and de-assed some yoofs to pick up scrap (not pictured for some reason, though I know I photographed it).
Shpeshal K gears up with Tuurbo and Boogaloo Shrimp to rush one of the digga transports |
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Conversion: Warbike with Sidecar
Years ago when writing up "special" gubbinz for Da Race Tru Mek Town I came across some rules online for sidecars and, ever since, have thought about converting one. Well, this last week I noticed my brother had some spare bitz left over (notably a side armor plate) and I still had two partially constructed bikes that were specifically set aside for conversion work. So.... Seeing as conditions were ideal.

Monday, July 9, 2012
Mektown Nights Scenario Test
Battle Report: Projekt Badass II faces off against Slavers and the Burna Boyz
But not at the same time (that's the kind of action you'd have to pay extra for and well, I'm poor). Anyway, last Friday Kris, Pat and myself each got two games in to catch up with the current board leaders (Paul, Tom, and John). Unfortunately I wasn't very diligent with the camera so this combined writeup won't be very detailed. Anyway, the first game was myself v. Pat's slaver mob.
Tuurrbo 2.0 speeds around the right flank to snag some scrap |
Friday, July 6, 2012
Go into the posts section there is a draft version of a post where I uploaded the photos you took, add your commentary as you see fit and then submit it.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Happy Birthday Mike B
In celbration we will be playing GoMo starting at1800hrs today and you will be the star !
Bring your mobs!
Bring your mobs!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Projekt Badass 2: Elektrik Boogaloo Game 3 Progress Update
Here's my finished biker mob. Summary: 4 bikes and 6 orks, ready to break dance their asses off to save the Mektown rec center. If we decide to use the "Ork Klan Rules" in the proposal thread they'll be Evil Sunz, otherwise we're Morkers (dirty, weedy Morkers). Pics to follow this weekend since I lack a proppa camera.
Update: Quite a bit has transpired since the campaign has started for the Boogaloo, most notably one of my spanners died at the conclusion of the first game (forcing me to use all of the proceeds from said game to buy a new one, Tuurrbo 2.0) and said spanner's bike has been permanently damaged (which was promptly bodged when I tried to fix it in mektown). However, after losing twice and working over a grot mob, we've finally managed to get a decent pool of experience and enough money for extra ammo (a must have for me) and krak stiks. All the details are in the updated roster sheet at the bottom of this post.
Update: Quite a bit has transpired since the campaign has started for the Boogaloo, most notably one of my spanners died at the conclusion of the first game (forcing me to use all of the proceeds from said game to buy a new one, Tuurrbo 2.0) and said spanner's bike has been permanently damaged (which was promptly bodged when I tried to fix it in mektown). However, after losing twice and working over a grot mob, we've finally managed to get a decent pool of experience and enough money for extra ammo (a must have for me) and krak stiks. All the details are in the updated roster sheet at the bottom of this post.
John V Dan
The 'Eroes uv da Revolooshun encountered the Elektrik Boogaloo on the dusty plains of GorkaMorka, we had fought these fellows before and knew it would not be an easy time, particularly without any heavy vehickles (our Lugga having been detroyed a few fights back). We were cheered by the knowledge that our last encounter had eneded in our favor and that we now had three relatively fast cuttas to get us around.
The fight was "We wuz 'ere furst", from the beginning things went badly for the 'Eroes, the wind was weak and the direction against us. The first two moves the 'Eroes moved a grand total of two inches! This put a real cramp in our plan as the Boogaloo were moving along quite well.
The fight was "We wuz 'ere furst", from the beginning things went badly for the 'Eroes, the wind was weak and the direction against us. The first two moves the 'Eroes moved a grand total of two inches! This put a real cramp in our plan as the Boogaloo were moving along quite well.
the cutta fleet moves out (ever so slowly)
while the Boogaloo were boogie-ing along
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Pat v Tom
Pat's Mob vs Tom's Mob
Nobody has bothered to put any captions on this while it was in Draft so here are some pix of Orkz being Orky to each other!
Nobody has bothered to put any captions on this while it was in Draft so here are some pix of Orkz being Orky to each other!
weedy Orkz and their gas engines!
'Eroes uv da Revolooshun go to Pummel-City
Well, to be truthful, we were taken there against our will. Twice. The indignity! Sorry, no photos on my end, I forgot to recharge the batteries in the camera. Paul, if any of the pix you took worked out please feel free to post them here.
I played Tom's mob first. The "newly castrated" 'Eavy Shoota still managed to destroy my Lugga in one blast and tossed my strategery completely out the window. On the upside, while Tom was busy gunning down (and generally kicking the poo out of) the Lugga crew my two 'cuttas snuck around and grabbed some skrap before I had to bottle out.
The downside was that I had four guys down at the end of the game and one of them was a "coup-de-gras" on my Head Honcho. There was some anxious moments in the after game recovery phase but my HH got away clean (left for dead?) but two of my Grotz (#3 and #4) were captured as was the wreckage of the Lugga! I managed to bribe Tom into returning one of the Grotz and he abandoned the wreckage allowing me to recover it as well ( it took the "multiple damage" result on the after battle recovery phase and then I rolled a six so there were six things wrong with it!!
It was a fun game but I am afraid that I just made Tom's mob a monster due to all the experience he got crushing me mob!
The next guy to put my head in the grinder was Paul. I had revamped my force, selling off the wreck of the Lugga and buying another 'cutta to stay mobile and another Grot (to keep up numbers if nothing else) used up all my teef. This battle showed that numbers and better use of terrain can help a lot. I still got knocked about (yes the Head Honcho went down and out, again; he may not be much of a leader but he isn't afraid of being out front on the cutting -and bleeding- edge) but I got off with fewer losses and more skrap.
The biggest problem that I had was that the wind was both against me and was weak, making most of my moves shorter than they would have been if I were enitrely on foot. On the other hand, going downwind when hauling away skrap (and wounded leaders) is a plus! I had wondered what to do with all the now unemplyed Snotz (they were only there to crank the Lugga along) but it turned out that a mob of seven guys with strength four crossbows can dominate a section of tabletop fairly well. They also can be used to gather skrap while the Grotz try to fight the Orkz.
I may not be getting rich on skrap but my mob is inching forward on experience alone.
I played Tom's mob first. The "newly castrated" 'Eavy Shoota still managed to destroy my Lugga in one blast and tossed my strategery completely out the window. On the upside, while Tom was busy gunning down (and generally kicking the poo out of) the Lugga crew my two 'cuttas snuck around and grabbed some skrap before I had to bottle out.
The downside was that I had four guys down at the end of the game and one of them was a "coup-de-gras" on my Head Honcho. There was some anxious moments in the after game recovery phase but my HH got away clean (left for dead?) but two of my Grotz (#3 and #4) were captured as was the wreckage of the Lugga! I managed to bribe Tom into returning one of the Grotz and he abandoned the wreckage allowing me to recover it as well ( it took the "multiple damage" result on the after battle recovery phase and then I rolled a six so there were six things wrong with it!!
It was a fun game but I am afraid that I just made Tom's mob a monster due to all the experience he got crushing me mob!
The next guy to put my head in the grinder was Paul. I had revamped my force, selling off the wreck of the Lugga and buying another 'cutta to stay mobile and another Grot (to keep up numbers if nothing else) used up all my teef. This battle showed that numbers and better use of terrain can help a lot. I still got knocked about (yes the Head Honcho went down and out, again; he may not be much of a leader but he isn't afraid of being out front on the cutting -and bleeding- edge) but I got off with fewer losses and more skrap.
The biggest problem that I had was that the wind was both against me and was weak, making most of my moves shorter than they would have been if I were enitrely on foot. On the other hand, going downwind when hauling away skrap (and wounded leaders) is a plus! I had wondered what to do with all the now unemplyed Snotz (they were only there to crank the Lugga along) but it turned out that a mob of seven guys with strength four crossbows can dominate a section of tabletop fairly well. They also can be used to gather skrap while the Grotz try to fight the Orkz.
I may not be getting rich on skrap but my mob is inching forward on experience alone.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Da Mobz
Hey, everybody here are your Mobz, annotate as you will,
Da 'Eroes uv da Revolooshun!
Head Honcho, Banna Wavva,
seven Grotz w/slugga and choppa
seven Snots w/crossbow
Kris V John
Da 'Eroes uv da Revalooshun handed out a major beat-down to the weedy Orkz an 'dere flamy trukk. Once again the fearlessly brave warriors of the Revalooshun faced down the masters of oppression.
The Field of Battle, the brave Grotz spread out to thin the ranks of the sniveling Orkz
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
mike v paul
Sunday, June 3, 2012
The Waaaagghhh has begun!!!!
We started the campaign off well with seven of our eight players able to attend, everybody got a game in and Paul got to play in two games. My Grotz did fabulously as always! (pay no attention to the stats, we didn't lose our big lugga and almost everybody got back to base). I am uploading the pictures but it takes time and I have little enough of that.
If the players would so kind as to email me at daftrica 89 at yahooo dot com I will reply with the sign-in code for the website. That way you can sign in and add commentary to the photos of your games (go to the posts section in the left hand side bar and click on posts, thenhover your cursor over the area under the post title "tom v Pat" and a bit of text will appear such as edit/delete, click on the edit and it will take you to the post and from there itr is just like word. To keep things simple I would ask the the first player providing commentary use normal text whuile the other player uses italics; I find that much easier to read.
If the players would so kind as to email me at daftrica 89 at yahooo dot com I will reply with the sign-in code for the website. That way you can sign in and add commentary to the photos of your games (go to the posts section in the left hand side bar and click on posts, thenhover your cursor over the area under the post title "tom v Pat" and a bit of text will appear such as edit/delete, click on the edit and it will take you to the post and from there itr is just like word. To keep things simple I would ask the the first player providing commentary use normal text whuile the other player uses italics; I find that much easier to read.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
New Scenario: While You Wuz' Out
Yet another new scenario, although this time only oddmobs need apply (the kind of weedy folk that would have the nerve squat in a good, 'onest mob's fort). Now featuring licensing!
New Scenario: Mektown Nights
A city fight scenario I drew up for Gorkamorka. I've included a link to an example map and to the full sized scenario writeup at the bottom of the page for people who find the posted image difficult to read.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Dark Memories of an Unhappy Past
My Grotz Mob (Ver 1.3) gets roughly handled by the Slaver Orks.
Sorry about the delay in getting this one posted.
Some time ago I took my idea for a small band of "elite" Grotz (yes, that is an oxymoron, I now know) against Pat's Slaver Ork mob. Things went fine at first, but then the Orks got in range and, well let us say, provided me with new insights as to Mob construction. This caused me to entirely revamp my Mob.
Sorry about the delay in getting this one posted.
Some time ago I took my idea for a small band of "elite" Grotz (yes, that is an oxymoron, I now know) against Pat's Slaver Ork mob. Things went fine at first, but then the Orks got in range and, well let us say, provided me with new insights as to Mob construction. This caused me to entirely revamp my Mob.
the beginning, everything going OK so far (the Orks are out of range)
Friday, May 25, 2012
GorkaMorka Campaign Start-up Date
As almost everyone has had a a chance to fine-tune their gangs by now I am setting a date to begin the campaign. Everybody needs to have a gang list submitted by 2JUN12, we will also be playing a round or two to kick things off on that date with games beginning at 1300hrs at my place, yes that is 1300hrs (I have things going on in the evening and we will be wrapping up play by 1800hrs).
I will need a full roster sheet with your gang and vehicles before we begin play (have another copy for yourself). After each game I will need that you turn in a roster sheet for your gang reflecting events of that game (skrap recovered, wounds, dead, achievements etc). Unless your handwriting is exemplary please make use of the links to the printable ones. If I cannot easily read your roster I will interpret it a way most unfavorable to you! If anybody needs copies of the gang list or vehicle rosters I will be able to provide them. If you already have your gang set go ahead and post it in the comments section (for once I am ready ahead of schedule!).
As a stand-in for the irrational god GorkaMorka I will award five teef to the first player to post his list, three teef to the second and one toof to the third. I will not be awarding anything to myself unless this goes two days with any lists being posted at which point I will award the five teef to myself and nobody else gets anything! No whining!
I am going to be doing a little house-keeping in the "League Rules" in the next few days so take the time to read them after a week or so. I am thinking about allowing a "bail-out" option to gangs that drop below 75 teef or so in value. Just kicking that number around. maybe higher, maybe lower, I am not sure at this point. I know it is a pain to try to play a list that is significantly weaker than everybody else (been there, done that) but I don't want to make it too easy to just reset, that would reward bad judgement and penalize good players. Your thoughts on the points level are welcome as well.
I will need a full roster sheet with your gang and vehicles before we begin play (have another copy for yourself). After each game I will need that you turn in a roster sheet for your gang reflecting events of that game (skrap recovered, wounds, dead, achievements etc). Unless your handwriting is exemplary please make use of the links to the printable ones. If I cannot easily read your roster I will interpret it a way most unfavorable to you! If anybody needs copies of the gang list or vehicle rosters I will be able to provide them. If you already have your gang set go ahead and post it in the comments section (for once I am ready ahead of schedule!).
As a stand-in for the irrational god GorkaMorka I will award five teef to the first player to post his list, three teef to the second and one toof to the third. I will not be awarding anything to myself unless this goes two days with any lists being posted at which point I will award the five teef to myself and nobody else gets anything! No whining!
I am going to be doing a little house-keeping in the "League Rules" in the next few days so take the time to read them after a week or so. I am thinking about allowing a "bail-out" option to gangs that drop below 75 teef or so in value. Just kicking that number around. maybe higher, maybe lower, I am not sure at this point. I know it is a pain to try to play a list that is significantly weaker than everybody else (been there, done that) but I don't want to make it too easy to just reset, that would reward bad judgement and penalize good players. Your thoughts on the points level are welcome as well.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Gathering Resources
Hey Everybody,
I am looking for the ten ot twenty coolest GorkaMorka sites out there. Ones that have great ideas on rules, scratchbuilding and scenics ideas and other neat stuff. Submit your favorites in the comments section below and I will sort through them and post the best of them in the sidebar.
There is a ton of stuff out there and I can't do this on my own (not enuf time), don't be shy about submitting your site if you think that it is up to a very Darwinian peer-review!
I am looking for the ten ot twenty coolest GorkaMorka sites out there. Ones that have great ideas on rules, scratchbuilding and scenics ideas and other neat stuff. Submit your favorites in the comments section below and I will sort through them and post the best of them in the sidebar.
There is a ton of stuff out there and I can't do this on my own (not enuf time), don't be shy about submitting your site if you think that it is up to a very Darwinian peer-review!
Heroes of the Revolooshun vs Projekt Badass II
On the lonesome dusty plains of 'da Skid the Grots were on patrol seeking to bring back a worthy prize and gain the recognition of 'Da Kommitee. As luck would have it, as soon as they spied a likely-looking pile of skrap a band of Orks showed up, and not just any Orks, it was the dreaded Elektrik Boogaloo.
One of the fastest, meanest and Orkiest band of greenies you would ever meet. A ripple of concern moved through the ranks of the Grotz. These Orks rode the shiniest, fastest and shootiest bikes that you could find and there they stood, Da 'Eroes uv'da Revolooshun, without even a Splattapult to their name.
At that silent moment, as the tiniest kernel of fear began to form in their Grotty little hearts, as a faint whisper of doubt began to seep into their limited consciousness the Head Honcho leaped up onto the figurehead of the Sand Skate and shouted out, "We Wuz 'Ere Furst!". Startled from their doubts the Grotz screamed in reply "We'ze Green Too! Tags fur All!". The Snots, anxious to earn a place in the esteemed ranks of Grottiness, bent their backs with a will to the crank handles and the Sand Skate leaped forward.
In what was probably luckiest streak of die rolling in my life (ably assisted but the worst streak in the Electrik Boogaloo's existence) my Grot Mob trounced the Orky Bikers and managed to capture their Nob. I do not expect to repeat this sort of thing over the span of the campaign so you will have to allow me some gloating space.
One of the fastest, meanest and Orkiest band of greenies you would ever meet. A ripple of concern moved through the ranks of the Grotz. These Orks rode the shiniest, fastest and shootiest bikes that you could find and there they stood, Da 'Eroes uv'da Revolooshun, without even a Splattapult to their name.
At that silent moment, as the tiniest kernel of fear began to form in their Grotty little hearts, as a faint whisper of doubt began to seep into their limited consciousness the Head Honcho leaped up onto the figurehead of the Sand Skate and shouted out, "We Wuz 'Ere Furst!". Startled from their doubts the Grotz screamed in reply "We'ze Green Too! Tags fur All!". The Snots, anxious to earn a place in the esteemed ranks of Grottiness, bent their backs with a will to the crank handles and the Sand Skate leaped forward.
In what was probably luckiest streak of die rolling in my life (ably assisted but the worst streak in the Electrik Boogaloo's existence) my Grot Mob trounced the Orky Bikers and managed to capture their Nob. I do not expect to repeat this sort of thing over the span of the campaign so you will have to allow me some gloating space.
I was so excited by my new cuttas that I used them before they even got a coat of paint
Monday, May 21, 2012
Battle Report: Projekt Badass 2 v Free XP Weekend (AKA Mike's Diggas)
Mike's digga mob didn't have a name (or, at least, one that I was made aware of prior to this writeup) so I made one up myself. Anyway this last weekend we played through some more test games, although this time the Elektrik Boogaloo squared off against some weedy diggas.
Scenario was We Wuz 'Ere First, and the first turn was ceded to the diggas, who used it to inch towards the sweet, sweet scrap |
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Skrap counters
Not content with the usual skrap counters I knocked these up out of bits of an old, unused snap-tite Space Shuttle payload. I think they look OK, perhaps a little more paint.
MINE! All mine!
Oops, I did it again
While waiting for the sanding sealer to dry on the new cutta I was sitting around doing nothing much. I began poking through the remaining pile of "useful bits" and a few minutes later I was looking at this little baby;
still needs a sail and some details
Friday, May 18, 2012
Scratchbuilding a 'Cutta
With the chances of getting a real GW 'cutta at almost exactly zero I have once again decided to scratchbuild one (ebay has one badly built Big Lugga for almost $100USD and no cuttas at all). I had decided to strictly limit myself as far as size goes (I already have two rather large ones) and aimed for a normal crew of two to four Grotz. This would ,it was hoped, give me an incentive to keep the platform small.
I got out "box 'o stuff" and started poking aroung in it looking for things that might belong on a 'cutta (I fancied that this was the method that the Grot "mechs would use) and came up with a pile of useful looking things.
Next I consulted with the "user group" to see what features they desired in the final product.
Frankly they were less than helpful but I garnered some impression of what it was they
were looking for. Thus edified I sketched out an idea in my head.
I grabbed a couple of bits of wood and set the frame together. At first the Head Honcho was unconfortable with the diminutive size of the vehicle but he came 'round
(after I pointed out that he wouldn't be riding in it!).
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Grot Mob Reconsidered
In light of the results of the last few games (and considering that my forces were organized illegally) I have reconsidered my Grot Mob. As reader flamekebob pointed out the strength of Grots is numbers and, in light of the failure of my effort to make Grots "Orky" , I have decided to go the "buying in bulk" route.
Presented for your consideration, the new and improved Grot Mob;
Head Honcho; shoota, krak grenade.....13teef
Banna Waver; Kannon, krak grenade....12 "
7X Grots; six-shoota, choppa...5ea.......35 "
7X Snots; crossbow........2ea................14 "
Big Lugga..............................................15 "
Splattapult for Big Lugga.........................8 "
2X Cuttas.....5ea...................................10 "
This gives me sixteen troops on the ground and three vehicles a very different Mob from the last outing.
Presented for your consideration, the new and improved Grot Mob;
Head Honcho; shoota, krak grenade.....13teef
Banna Waver; Kannon, krak grenade....12 "
7X Grots; six-shoota, choppa...5ea.......35 "
7X Snots; crossbow........2ea................14 "
Big Lugga..............................................15 "
Splattapult for Big Lugga.........................8 "
2X Cuttas.....5ea...................................10 "
This gives me sixteen troops on the ground and three vehicles a very different Mob from the last outing.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Battle Report: Project Badass 2 v Scorcha Boyz
Last weekend we ran a few test games to see how well our mobs worked. I ended up playing John to beta test "While You Wuz Out" and Kris in "We Wuz 'Ere First".
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Da 'Eroes uv da Revolooshun Konkur All!!!!
After back-to-back victories my doughty warriors pose for a group shot on Lookout Mountain (so named bekuz ya hafta lookout for folks falling off da top). Revel in their power!!!!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Makin' MekTown
Honest Dan came by a few weeks ago with his foamcore, hot glue gun and a Plan. We were going to build Mektown. It seemed like an easy enough task (let us face it, Ork architechture is hardly detailed and symmetric) so I agreed. What a fool I was, building it was the EASY part, painting it was another matter entirely. So, after several Saturdays spent laboring over this, we are finally done.
I present to you, MekTown!
I present to you, MekTown!
Dan made a copy of the Fort from the original game
Monday, May 7, 2012
Proposed Additional Rules and Changes
I'm creating this post to make public some of the assumed rule changes and omissions we've come up with in past GoMo campaigns as well as an open forum for discussing clarifications and possible additions. Most of this isn't set in stone and subject to approval, so please comment and add your own thoughts on what you think needs to be changed. Edited to add: I forgot to say I will update this post as things are either declined or accepted and I will add your suggestions to the relevant sections.
[Edited 5/20/2012] As of now it is my understanding that the listings here have all been agreed upon and confirmed with some specific exceptions (gubbinz prices are still subject to change, since I don't think anybody noticed when I edited to add them last week). Also, I've linked this to the sidebar since it's about to get buried.
[Edited 5/20/2012] As of now it is my understanding that the listings here have all been agreed upon and confirmed with some specific exceptions (gubbinz prices are still subject to change, since I don't think anybody noticed when I edited to add them last week). Also, I've linked this to the sidebar since it's about to get buried.
My Grot Mob Part II
After a lot of thought (OK, actually just on a whim) I decided to redesign my mob. I decided to move away from the firepower based mob of the last campaign (largely because they got their butts kicked on every outing) and go with a more evenly balanced force. This also allows me to reduce the number of figures in my mob (believe it or not running sixteen or more figures can get a bit harried during a game). So here we go, better-balanced and new and improved,
The Grot Mob;
Head Honcho;
Shoota, two choppas, krak grenade, flak armor............17
Banna Waver:
Shoota, two choppas, krak grenade, flak armor.... .......15
'Da Drivva:
slugger, choppa, flak armor, frag grenade......................10
'Eroes 'uv 'Da Revolushun (five 'uv 'em): @9ea
slugger, choppa, frag grenade, studded armor..............45
'Dem Proles (four 'uv 'em): @2ea
'Da Big Cutta..............................................................5
I had to go with just one cutta (and thus I am forced to use "Da Big'un"; the cursed Sand Snake) to make it work, although I might just drop one Grot in favor of another cutta and two more Proles. Your helpful suggestions are welcome, the endless razzing for choosing Grots is, of course, expected.
Feel free to post your mob in the comments section, or send it to me via email and I will post it as an article (it would be even better if you sent photos as well).
The Grot Mob;
Head Honcho;
Shoota, two choppas, krak grenade, flak armor............17
Banna Waver:
Shoota, two choppas, krak grenade, flak armor.... .......15
'Da Drivva:
slugger, choppa, flak armor, frag grenade......................10
'Eroes 'uv 'Da Revolushun (five 'uv 'em): @9ea
slugger, choppa, frag grenade, studded armor..............45
'Dem Proles (four 'uv 'em): @2ea
'Da Big Cutta..............................................................5
I had to go with just one cutta (and thus I am forced to use "Da Big'un"; the cursed Sand Snake) to make it work, although I might just drop one Grot in favor of another cutta and two more Proles. Your helpful suggestions are welcome, the endless razzing for choosing Grots is, of course, expected.
Feel free to post your mob in the comments section, or send it to me via email and I will post it as an article (it would be even better if you sent photos as well).
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
GorkaMOrka rules
The Free Rules can be gotten here the Digganob rules have not been released yet but I have an old copy that I will make available.
I can't beleive that it took this long for me to post a a link.
Thanks Gary; here is a clickable link to the Mektown site.
I can't beleive that it took this long for me to post a a link.
Thanks Gary; here is a clickable link to the Mektown site.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Spores of Anarchy
Apropos of the earlier post regarding models, if you are thinking of doing scratch building this is example of what I would agree to; Spores of Anarchy. Some over-the-top modelling skills there, if ever I saw some. Fish about a little on the Web, there is a ton of inspiration out there.
GorkaMorka League rules
I will be acting as the administrator of the GorkaMorka campaign and I will be the guy who does the background BS to most of this campaign so I will also exercise my POWERS (thunder and lighting and trumpets blaring, FOOLS! Never give a Grot any power!) by laying down some rules. These are open to discussion as long as you agree entirely with me and don't want to change anything.
PLAYER RESPOSIBILITIES All players will be required to have a ruleset and a current Mob list with them when they appear for a game, they will also need to have any additional rule-books that their Mob may require (e.g. Digganob if you are playing Grots, Diggas or Muties). Failure to comply will result in forfieting the game. Players will also be required to have a good working understanding of the rules, not rules-lawyeish but a good understanding. BTW rules lawyering is frowned upon by myself and is unlikely to be rewarded, don't go there if you what is good for you. I can provide copies of the rules to players at the start of the campaign but I won't replace copies later on.
PLAYER RESPOSIBILITIES All players will be required to have a ruleset and a current Mob list with them when they appear for a game, they will also need to have any additional rule-books that their Mob may require (e.g. Digganob if you are playing Grots, Diggas or Muties). Failure to comply will result in forfieting the game. Players will also be required to have a good working understanding of the rules, not rules-lawyeish but a good understanding. BTW rules lawyering is frowned upon by myself and is unlikely to be rewarded, don't go there if you what is good for you. I can provide copies of the rules to players at the start of the campaign but I won't replace copies later on.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
My Grot Mob
I am still working out the details of my Grot Mob, I am torn between going for maximum head-count or topping out on quality (?????). Another option that I have been exploring is to load up on enough snots to ensure that the Big Lugga can outrun the usual Orky vehicles and then filling in the rest of the roster with maxed-out Grots (shootas, 2xchoppas and grenades). In the mean time here is some of my inventory of Grots and vehicles.
My Mob's first ride, the Sand Skate.
It lived a charmed life in the last campaign never getting blown up. I can only hope for such luck again
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Like I don't Have enough to do
OK I am nuts, but I have decided to bring together all of my Gorka Morka stuff onto one page to keep it from overwhelming my wargaming blog and to provide a place for people that don't want to be bothered with all the regular wargaming stuff. This will be the place where I post the progress of our GorkaMorka campaign, recounting the stories of great victories and shameful defeats, listing the growing mobs and their vehicles and providing pictures of our games. I plan on using at least one day a month for GorkaMorka, perhaps more if time allows, perhaps Sunday afternoon/evening if that works for everybody. We now have tons of buildings and terrain to work with and I can set up my game room to run two games at a time and we can get off to a good start.
I will outlining my strategy and my mob's organization in the next post or so, along with the "Leege Roolz". So far under consideration is a lowering of the power of twin-linked heavy shootas and a slowing down of character improvement, as well as a massive increase in Grot weapon power and shootiness as well as upgrades for Grot strength and ballistic skill...and...and ...and....
I will outlining my strategy and my mob's organization in the next post or so, along with the "Leege Roolz". So far under consideration is a lowering of the power of twin-linked heavy shootas and a slowing down of character improvement, as well as a massive increase in Grot weapon power and shootiness as well as upgrades for Grot strength and ballistic skill...and...and ...and....
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